Last week was the BIG announcement at work regarding the re-organization. I was asked to fly up to Toronto for the announcement along with my co-worker who also works in the U.S. I was to get in LATE on Monday night and meet my boss at the office at 6:15am prior to the announcement at 7 am. My co-worker flew in earlier on Monday and was heading to the office to work for a few hours.
When he got there, he got laid off. Hmmm... It was a horrible flight up there. I couldn't sleep with worries that night.
Luckily, I was spared the layoff. My official job duties will slightly be changing with the merger and re-org, including a new boss. I will only be responsible for the US divisions. Our company almost doubled in size of the number of plants that we support. (From 10 to 18) 10 of those are mine in the US. I am very excited about my new and expanded role for the upcoming year.
We are very thankful that we are now living by family and have that support and help when we need it. Yia-Yia came and spent the night with Jacob last week while I traveled to Toronto since Matt needed to be out of town at the same time.