Jacob had his 18 month Check-Up this morning and everything looks good!!
Weight- 22.6 lbs (10%)
Height- 32 inches (45%)
Head Width- 19 3/4 inches (95%)
His vocabulary is expanding day by day. He can say the following words...
1. Mommy
2. Daddy
3. Bottle
4. Abby
5. Charlie
6. Baby
7. Poppy
8. Ball
9. Hot Dog
10. Dog
11. Yia-Yia (aka Grandma)
12. Waffle
13. Cookie
14. Scooby Doo
I'm sure that I am missing a few...
- Jacob loves to play outside, going for wagon rides, playing with his ball and going down the slide (head first).
- He has 12 teeth so far with a few more trying to break through.
- He only uses his passy for naps and bedtime.
- He eats a lot of Chicken Nuggets but also loves Green Beans and Lima Beans.
- He loves shoes. He even occasionally needs to sleep with them- clinched tightly by his little fist.
- He is still a great sleeper and goes to bed very easily.