Saturday, May 26, 2007

It's a (95%)..........

GIRL!!!!! It took us forever to get a good between the legs shot. At first she had the hicups which was really cool to watch and she was very active (I guess the huge pixie stick on the way helped) but would not give us a good look. The tech had me get up and walk around and use the restroom and then she got a fairly good shot and said she was 95% sure it is a Girl. The heartrate today was 148. She has very long legs!!

We will hold off buying any pink until my "real" ultrasound in hopefully 3 weeks! It is not scheduled yet!

We were trying to find something fun to do today so we went to a "fun" ultrasound place to get the ultrasound done to see if they would be able to tell what it was a few weeks earlier. It was well worth $49.00 to be able see our baby! She was hitting and kicking me pretty good but I still have not felt any kicks yet. I think the ultrasound has made it much more real for Matt. He was not able to go to my first ultrasound due to a death in the family out of town.

I will post some ultrasound pictures tomorrow (I'm too tired to scan them tonight) We did book a 3D/4D ultrasound for September to get some good shots of the baby before she is born.

1 comment:

Laura said...

She is going to be sooo spoiled :) And quite the 'daddy's girl' i'm sure. I can't wait to start shopping, myself :)The pictures look great - how super exciting is it to see her in there moving around on the monitor? Glad you guys got a sneak peak before the 'real' ultrasound. Hope they can confirm on your next visit! Love u guys - talk to you soon.