Wednesday, October 31, 2007

38 weeks 3 day


Still 0 dilation and no thinning out! Guess I'm gonna be pregnant forever! The doctor was very aggressive during the exam to try to get some contractions started but so far...nothing!

So I have an appointment for next Tuesday and I'm sure that I will make it to that appointment. She won't "let" me go but a few days past my due date. She did say that next week if my body is showing any progress we can talk about setting a date! I'm really hoping that I don't make it to next week!

So not much of an update! Still Pregnant! Come on little one- I'm ready to meet you!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

37 Weeks 3 Days

Here is a picture from today's ultrasound. Isn't he SO cute? He's got some chubby cheeks on him! Everything looks good. His measurements have leveled off. His head was measuring a bit big (gonna take after his daddy) but his belly was measuring a bit small. All were within the normal ranges so the doctor was not concerned! The ultrasound estimated (only an estimate) his weight to be 7lbs 2 oz.

The doctor did an internal check- NO progress. Still long & closed. She did say she could say a fingertip dilated if it would make me feel any better! (It didn't)

My weight gain is still at 14 lbs! It is all in my belly! I can still wear some of my pre-pregnancy jeans- I just button them below my belly and they fit just fine!

My next appointment is next Tuesday and we are hoping for some sort of progress by then!

Monday, October 15, 2007

36 weeks and counting.....

I do not have a doctor appointment this week :( At my appointment last week, everything looked good. The doctor did the first internal check and we had no progress yet. I was happy to hear that since Matt was out of town. Matt is in Michigan again this week!

I go on 10/23 to have an ultrasound and I will see the doctor afterwards. She wants to check the size of the baby again to ensure that he is not getting too big!

Whenever the baby is done baking and ready to come... I'm ready! I've been cramping a lot for the last several days, I'm tired and ready to meet my little guy!! We have company coming the next 2 weekends (Laura this weekend and Matt's dad the following)- Our house is a mess and I have no energy to get it cleaned up! I hope they don't mind a little clutter- with Matt not being here this week- I'm not sure it will be perfect before Laura gets here on Saturday!

I'll post an update after my ultrasound next week!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

35 Weeks

We have 5 weeks to go and Matt is leaving today to go out of town for 2 weeks! He will be in Lansing for the next 2 weeks! He will be coming home for the weekend and is only 3 hours away should I need him (I'm sure he could probably get home in less than 3 hours if need be). We have our child birthing class at the hospital next Saturday! The breastfeeding class is tomorrow night!

This picture was taken yesterday at 35 weeks after a wedding! I look huge! (but as of last Thursday- I have only gained 14lbs)

I go back to the doctor on Tuesday and will start having weekly appointments from here on out!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


The baby's room is just about done. We have a few finishing touches to do but that is it! I'm so happy to have it done now if I can just get the rest of the house cleaned up!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Baby's First Teddy Bear

Matt & I went to Build-a-Bear Workshop this weekend to build Baby Summerell his very first Teddy Bear. The Teddy Bear is perfect. He is soft and cuddly and I'm sure that the baby will love it for many years to come. Matt named the Teddy Bear Webster since that was the name of his first one too!

Less than 6 weeks to go until we get to meet Baby Summerell!!

Weekend in Michigan

We went to Michigan over the weekend to have a little celebration with our good friends from our old neighborhood to celebrate the upcoming arrival of our little one. We had such a great time seeing everyone and hanging out. We did our usual weekend activity of playing poker. I took 2nd place on the first game (I knocked Matt out first!!)and 3rd place on the 2nd game. I probably could have done better on the last game had it not been after 3am and I was exhausted!

We also went shopping to buy a few things that we still needed since we do not have a Target or Babies R Us very close to our house. I am going to start working on getting the babies room organized and finished tonight. I will post some pictures when I get it cleaned up!