Thursday, September 17, 2009


Jacob got kicked out of daycare on Monday at lunch due to being sick. He is not allowed to return until 24 hours symptom free.

Tuesday we went to the doctor- It was just a virus and not the dreaded flu.

Wednesday- he was symptom free. Poppy came over until lunch to watch him so I could get some work done. He took a great 3 hour nap and woke up just prior to my one conference call scheduled for that afternoon. It was scheduled for 30 min so I figured I could entertain him with Dora. He did great for the first 45 min- laying in the loft outside my office door watching cartoons. Then he wanted to come play in my office. The last 45 of the call were rough. In the end... full access to the paper in my copier and a pencil did the trick. He not so quietly played for a bit. Everyone on the call heard him when I had to unmute my phone to speak but all in all he did great considering that the planned 30 min call ended up lasting 1.5 hours.

Thursday- He is back at daycare this morning!!

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