Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Jacob is starting to get the hang of it. I don't think he was fully ready the first time we tired Rice Cereal. We have since tired it a few times and last night was the first time that he seemed to understand what is was all about. I think he actually ate some versus spitting it back out.

If I waited too long to offer him some more he would open his mouth real WIDE and wait for me to put the spoon back in. Unfortunately I was home by myself with him so I didn't have a chance to grab the camera and take a picture. We have a very small window of time when he is awake once we get him from the sitters so I needed to take full advantage of that time to get him fed, changed, bottle and ready to fall asleep.

He usually is asleep by 6pm. We usually let him nap in the swing for an hour or 2 then give him his final bottle and put him to bed.

I'm actually not traveling this week so it has been nice to spend all week with Jacob and Matt. Next week is still up in the air if I will be required to attend a meeting in SC or not.

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