Friday, April 25, 2008

Pink Eye

Yep! Jacob has pink eye. His eye had a bit of crust on it this morning and just didn't look right and my first thought was Pink Eye (I've had my fair share of it) so after debating with Matt whether I should call the doctor- I made the decision to take him in just in case since it was Friday. I called our sitter to see if any of the other kids had pink eye- Nope. By the time we got to our 10:30am appointment there was goobs of green junk coming from his eye. No question he had pink eye. We started the medicine this afternoon and at least by tomorrow afternoon he will no longer be contagious. I just hope Matt & I don't get it. I've got to be in Alabama on Monday to do benefits enrolment meetings for 300 employees. I don't think my welcome to the company should be giving them pink eye!

Even with having pink eye- Jacob is very happy. You would never know anything was bothering him (minus the green gunk coming out of his eye) But I did have a wonderful Friday playing with Jacob (I didn't get much work done though)

Grandpa George is here this weekend so hopefully I will have some good pictures from the weekend to put up.

1 comment:

Melissa and Dan said...

Poor Baby!! Whats with all the sick kidos??? Can't wait to see you all in Charlotte!!!