Thursday, January 8, 2009

Growing Boy & Doctor Appointments

I think Jacob must be growing b/c he is eating SO MUCH!! All he wants to do is eat and sleep. Our sitter is amazed at how much food the little guy can eat. He has been taking 2 naps the last few days instead of one longer one and he is sleeping great at night. Tonight he seemed tired so I laid him in his crib at 6:15 and not one single peep out of him. The last few nights he has gone down SO easy!! I hope this trend continues. I'm not having to rock him, lay down with him, or even hold him. I can lay him down wide awake and he his not even making a single peep. He has even been playing and talking to himself in the mornings for at least 30 minutes before I get him up. I've been getting him after 30 minutes b/c we need to get moving not b/c he wanted me to get him up.

We went back to the ENT yesterday for a 2 week check of his ears after having the tubes put in. His right ear was still infected. The left one looked great. We are to continue with the drops for 10 more days and will see the doctor again at the end of the month.

Jacob got his second dose of the flu shot today. He did great.

Jacob & I are heading to Greenville this weekend to see Matt for his birthday! It should be a great weekend!

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