Tuesday, October 23, 2007

37 Weeks 3 Days

Here is a picture from today's ultrasound. Isn't he SO cute? He's got some chubby cheeks on him! Everything looks good. His measurements have leveled off. His head was measuring a bit big (gonna take after his daddy) but his belly was measuring a bit small. All were within the normal ranges so the doctor was not concerned! The ultrasound estimated (only an estimate) his weight to be 7lbs 2 oz.

The doctor did an internal check- NO progress. Still long & closed. She did say she could say a fingertip dilated if it would make me feel any better! (It didn't)

My weight gain is still at 14 lbs! It is all in my belly! I can still wear some of my pre-pregnancy jeans- I just button them below my belly and they fit just fine!

My next appointment is next Tuesday and we are hoping for some sort of progress by then!


Heather said...

Only 14 lbs? That's great! I gained 20 with Cailey and I thought that was good. I must say I've never heard of only gaining that much:)

Melissa and Dan said...
